Hyung Jin Nim leads us in a worship service filled with the spirit of God. Play this audio file over and over to be energized, uplifted and rejuvenated.
Thank you Sanctuary-PA.org for getting this special testimony out.
This video is available on Vimeo at: https://vimeo.com/143848635
Here is the first video in a two-part interview with Yeonah Nim in which she discusses:
Tim Elder, head of Sanctuary World Mission Department, speaks about the importance of the upcoming blessing next year. He clearly outlines who should attend and why. Listen to his report given to the Sanctuary Church congregation on Sunday, Oct 25th, 2015.
This sermon clearly differentiates between the vision Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim have for the coming Kingdom of Heaven and that of FFWPU. I found this so exciting!
For years the Cheon Il Guk has sounded like a dream vision where everyone gets along, where people and nature live together as envisioned in a Watchtower tract. This is nothing against the Jehovah Witnesses, but that vision just doesn’t seem real. Nice but not substantial.
What makes this sermon great is the Sanctuary view of freedom and responsibility in God’s kingdom. It seems realistic and solid. The constitution that was just declared by them clearly promotes life, liberty,and the pursuit of a joyful life. I want to be a citizen of the kingdom that Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim are working towards.
This sermon is preparation to understand the importance and significance of next week's Declaration of the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk
Does your vision of Cheon Il Guk include a top-down authoritarian government or one that focuses on the rights and freedom of individuals so they can reach their maximum potential without government intervention? Hyung Jin Moon clearly delineates the differences between the constitutions being offered out of FFWPU and the one he is promoting. This and more is covered in this powerful sermon.